Club Management – Steering Group

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Some Club Members has asked about who makes decisions about what goes on in the Club.   By way of brief explanation……
Back in Sep 21 it became clear that responsibility for the  management of all aspects of  the Breakfast Club was too big for one man, namely Andy Heath.  It was decided that a Steering Group (SG) would be formed with representation from the members of each of the Services, a Finance rep, a Welfare rep, a communication rep, an Media/IT Rep, Lead Admin rep, an Events rep and a Secretary.   The SG meets monthly (any member is welcome to attend) and reviews all club events and interactions, allocating resources and finances as appropriate.   A record of actions and decisions from all meetings is made but is not routinely published on Facebook, primarily due to their dull nature. However they are available to any member on request, just use Contact on Club website.