Money, Money, Money

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The income for AFVBC Salisbury & Amesbury comes primarily from one source and that is the profit we make at the Field Kitchen.  This profit goes towards offsetting the cost of entertainment that we all enjoy during our organised functions (Xmas Ball, Summer  Function etc etc); it should be noted that no profit is made at all from these functions.  What we do encourage is that the organiser(s) can use these functions as a vehicle (Raffle and/or auction) to raise money for a chosen Charity and beneficiaries recently have included:• The Erskine Trust• Boots on the GroundWe currently have around £3K in our account although £500 of that is a grant that we have received from our local MP John Glen and is ring-fenced to alleviate genuine hardship amongst our Veteran community.Planning is well in hand for a Summer function and that will have the entertainment subsidised.