The magic of Christmas never ends
And the greatest of gifts is family and friends

Please join us for the annual
Armed Forces & Veterans Breakfast Club Christmas Ball 
Saturday December 21, 2024
1830 – 2330hrs.
The White Hart
1 St John Street
Salisbury SP1 2SD

Dress:   It’s Christmas and a chance for you to push the boat out, so find your festive finery and feel  fabulous.  DJ/Black tie, suit, long dress, cocktail.  Miniature medals are very welcome

Tis the season to sparkle!

Cost:   for AFVBC members and their significant other will be £41.50 per person Non AFVBC members & other guests will be £49.00 per person, which includes a 3 course meal and house disco.

Make it a December to remember

Corkage:  £8.00 per bottle, please add this at the time of booking to your ticket costs

We’ll toast the past year and celebrate the season

Raffle: There will be a raffle during the evening with all proceeds going to Boots on the Ground,
helping to fund two exciting overseas projects.  

Have yourself a merry little Christmas. Let your heart be light.
From now on, your troubles will be out of sight

Seating:  Please add your Seating requests to your registration.  We will do all we can to sit you with your friends.  However, these requests cannot be guaranteed, we all can’t sit on the same table!

Let’s make a toast filled with Christmas cheer,
And be thankful for everyone gathered here.

why not make a weekend of it by staying in the The White Hart for the special rate of £95.00 for a double and £80.00 for a single, both inclusive of breakfast.  Contact  The White Hart directly to book on 01722 327476 quoting  AFVBC Christmas Ball

Silent night Holy Night

To register for this event and menu options click here

To pay for this event click here