We last held one of these dinner in 2017 which was enjoyed by who attended.
To register click here
“What is a Ladies Dinner Night?”
It’s a less formal dinner without many of the rules associated with service/regimental mess dinners. Meaning you leave the table whenever you like, it doesn’t matter how you pour your port etc etc. Just think of it as a Sunday Lunch… at night.
“Is it just ladies?”
No, it’s very definitely a mixed occasion.
“I’m single, do I need to bring a partner?”
No, you are welcome to attend with or without one.
“Is it just an Army dinner?”
No, we are a tri-service club and all events are open to all members. The reason Lt Adlam VC was chosen is because the army have literally hundreds of battle honours that different regiments celebrate. The Navy have Trafalgar and the RAF have the Battle of Britain. Adlam was chosen as he was a local man.
“I don’t have a Dinner Jacket/Black tie”
You don’t need one and your wife/partner doesn’t need to wear a long dress either! We aren’t a mess nor do we have dress regulations. Some attendees will be in black tie some won’t that’s your choice
“Will I have wear my miniature medals?”
Only if you want to